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excerpted comments from EXECUTIVE SUMMARY>>> did the polls fail? And if so why? Those are the central questions addressed in this report, which was commissioned by the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR). This report is the product of a committee convened in the Spring of 2016 with a threefold goal: evaluate the accuracy of 2016 pre-election polling for both the primaries and the general election, review variation by different survey methodologies, and identify significant differences between election surveys in 2016 and polling in prior election years.
AIDA, Masahiko 氏がJMRAのシンポジウムで発表した公開スライド。表紙の日付は発表日ではなくHPへの公開日だと思われる。
excerpted comments from the second paragraph>>> It has become increasingly difficult to contact potential respondents and to persuade them to participate. The percentage of households in a sample that are successfully interviewed – the response rate – has fallen dramatically. At Pew Research, the response rate of a typical telephone survey was 36% in 1997 and is just 9% today.